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Qms Tat Reports

Qms Tat Reports

After the login, the user reaches the landing page.
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Click on Worklist:
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Click on Qms Tat Reports:
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A Quality Management System (QMS) Turnaround Time (TAT) report in hospital software is a crucial tool for monitoring and improving the efficiency of various processes within a healthcare facility. The QMS TAT report provides insights into the duration of various clinical and administrative tasks, helping to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

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  • Specialty - The medical specialty of the doctor (e.g., cardiology, orthopedics).
  • Doctor Name - The full name of the doctor.
  • Bill Number - A unique identifier for the billing record.
  • Appointment Date - The date on which the patient has an appointment with the doctor.
  • Bill Time - The time at which the billing was processed.
  • Payment Done - Indicates whether the payment has been completed or not.
  • Patient Name - The full name of the patient.
  • External Bill Number - An additional or secondary bill number for reference, often used for insurance or external providers.
  • External ID - A unique identifier used by external systems, such as insurance or third-party providers.
  • Mobile Number - The patient’s contact number.
  • Age - The patient’s age.
  • Gender - The patient’s gender.
  • Arrival Time - The time when the patient arrived at the hospital.
  • In Time - The time the patient was seen by the doctor.
  • Out Time - The time the consultation ended.
  • Duration of Consultation - The total time spent in consultation.
  • Purpose of Visit - The reason for the patient’s visit (e.g., check-up, follow-up, specific medical concern).
  • Type of Visit - The category of visit (e.g., new patient, follow-up).
  • Waiting Time - The time the patient waited before being seen by the doctor.
  • Role Name - The role of the staff member involved.
  • Role User Name - The username of the staff member.
  • Slot Type - The type of appointment slot.
  • Referral - Indicates if the patient was referred by another doctor or source.
  • Booked Status - The status of the appointment.
  • Alter Queue Reason - The reason for any changes to the patient’s position in the queue.
  • Consultation Type - The type of consultation (e.g., in-person, telemedicine).
  • Floor - The hospital floor where the patient is seen.
  • Site - The specific hospital location or branch.
  • DM Code - A specific code used for departmental or managerial tracking.
  • Payer Type - The type of payer (e.g., insurance, self-pay).
  • Booked Time - The time the appointment was booked.
  • Booked By - The person or system that booked the appointment.
  • Check Out with Review - Indicates if the patient checked out with a review or feedback session.
  • Reviewed Queued Date - The date when the review or feedback was queued.
  • Bill Cancellation - Indicates if a bill was cancelled.
  • Bill Cancellation Reason - The reason for bill cancellation.
  • Consultation Time - The specific time of the consultation.
  • Admitted - Indicates if the patient was admitted to the hospital.

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  • Refresh Button - The refresh button updates the current view or report with the latest available data.

Click on Search Icon:
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  • Department - The hospital department where the appointment or treatment will take place.
  • Doctor - The healthcare provider responsible for the patient’s care.
  • From Date - An input field or filter that allows users to specify the beginning date of a date range for viewing scheduled procedures.
  • To Date - An input field or filter that allows users to specify the ending date of a date range for viewing scheduled procedures.

Click on Assigning Authority -
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  • Assigning Authority - This allows users to select the hospital branch or authority over certain tasks.

Click on Status -
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  • Status - This allows user to know the status of the queue.

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  • Download CSV Button - Provides the ability to export data from the software into a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file format.

Click on Send Via Mail:
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  • Start Date - An input field or filter that allows users to specify the beginning date of a date range for viewing scheduled procedures.
  • End Date - An input field or filter that allows users to specify the ending date of a date range for viewing scheduled procedures.
  • Department - The specific department or unit within the hospital where the patient needs to be treated.
  • * **Doctor -** The healthcare provider responsible for the patient’s care.